There's a little bike show that is held annually in Meldreth, Cambridgeshire, it's a charity event in aid of a riding school for disabled kids, and is held at that riding school. The first time I went over to the event was over twenty years ago, and it was held in a pub car park. In those days it was a typical local bike club event with a few dozen of the club members bikes on display and not that many more people. Lawks a lawdy! how things change, last night there must of been 2,000 plus bikes over there of all shapes and sizes, and more people than that. The show only lasts for a few hours and can twist ya melon if you've never been before. To turn up, in a small village, in the middle of the week and see that lot tends to shock.

This beautiful Pan was sitting in the main bike park, it's got to be the prettiest Big Twin that I have seen for many a year. Wish I'd have had the chance to speak to the owner as I don't know enough about H-D's to pick out detail. The frame looked standard in the main with stretched upper rails at the back. Johnny said that it was running a Shovel oil pump but any more than that, I ain't got a clue. If any of you darksiders out there recognise any more detail I'd love to know.
This is the first time that I've seen the new 961 Norton in the metal, it's easy to see what all the fuss has been about. It truly is a thing of wonder, the detail for a "production" bike is amazing. This is the SE which sits at the top of the tree and will set you back over 16 grand Sterling, a lot of money to be sure but what price a piece of history? Just gotta hope that the new Norton company follow Triumph's business plan and not Hesketh's.
A 1949 XB32 trials Gold Star, seems a long way from the pile of rare and desirable bits that are sitting at Ironworks HQ at the moment, but the longest journey starts with the first step, as they say
Pretty little 750 OIF Bobber sitting in the classic arena outside. Don't know the story behind the finned primary, period piece or repop? I was told that this belongs to Farmer Rob's brother, if that is the case then more will be revealed after the Offley show in a couple of weeks. The Rob North framed Trident behind was built by my old mate Pete 25 or more years ago, supercharged as well back then. Last night was the first time I've seen it in over 20 years, still looking sweet but nothing like the quality of finish that it once had.
Not a thing you see every day, a Bobbed Velo, looking very much shed built. Nice enough in it's own way, but could be oh so much nicer. Still, if that's what the dude wants all power to him.
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