Well the horde of rare and interesting Beezer bits is now residing here at Ironworks central. As you can see in the pictures it does have a certain "projectness" about it, although there are a lot of the big parts present. Stuff like the tinware will not be a problem as originality is not on the menu, and the hubs/wheels should be obtainable. There is a couple of apple boxes containing other small detail pieces, which are probably hard to come by, and some of the nuts and bolts.

This is probably the main reason that this bike/pile o' bits was bought. The engine number is XB33 146, BSA started at XB33 101 making this the forty fifth one ever made! It is severely doubtful that there are more than ten older B33's currently in existence. That in itself does not make it any easier or cheaper to haul back from the brink, but somehow it helps to justify the effort.

All that can wait for the moment though, there is plenty more to be getting on with. But, it is something else to be keeping an eye open for bits for whilst it resides beneath the bench awaiting it's turn on the rack.
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